We are blessed to meet together every Monday afternoon in the
narthex at 12:30 with between 5-9 individuals who are making items
for us to share in this ministry. We are also blessed with several
individuals who work from home and make the items for us and then
bring them to be blessed. This past year we have been blessed with
an abundant amount of items that were made and distributed
throughout the mission field.
In order to make the items, we rely on donations of yarn and money.
We were blessed with a generous donation of yarn from an outside
individual and we also purchased 229 skeins of yarn. When we have
a number of items ready, we place them on the altar and either Pastor
Troester or Vicar Larry bless them and then we distribute the items to
various places.
This year we supplied prayer shawls and baby items to members who
passed them on to individuals in need. In December we sent several
scarves and mittens to St. Matthew and others in need.We sent baby
blankets and hats to Alaska and to Palos and Olympia Fields
Hospitals. We gave white baby blankets and prayer squares to infants
baptized at St. Paul. Baby blankets and prayer shawls were also
donated to PASS in Tinley Park. Prayer shawls, lap blankets, and
prayer squares were donated to Mokena Cancer Center, Vitas,
Manteno Veterans Home, Palos Hospital, Olympia Fields Hospital,
and Lori Wilbert’s returning citizen program. Palos-Northwestern
Hospital requested small white baby blankets and hats to be made for
the still-born babies and we have been blessed to do this ministry for
the hospital and the mothers of these infants.
We also made 100 felt Christmas stockings and filled them with cards,
candy and a prayer square for a gift to the soldiers. Each month we
send twenty-five prayer squares in the military packages for the
Prayer Shawl